
Scrap paper tuning | Scrapbooking - papier podrasowany

Spotkałyście się z sytuacją, w której mimo uwielbienia do wzoru papieru scrapbookingowego, brakuje mu spójności z projektem, który tworzycie? Za jasny, za ciemny, zły odcień, za mało wzorów? za mocny wzór?
Nic straconego ;) Wyobraźcie sobie, że do zrobienia pięciu poniższych kompletów zakładek do książek użyłam tylko dwóch papierów.

You know that situation, when You love concrete scrapbook paper but it's to darker for Your project? Too light? Bad shade? Not enough patterns? Too strong patter?...
Nothing wasted ;) Imagine, that for creating five below bookmarks sets I used only TWO papers.

…ale przecież mamy tu zakładkę romantyczną, vintage, steampunkową, delikatną w stylu Marii Antoniny” oraz graficzną.
W dodatku użyłam do tego wszystkiego tylko czterech rodzajów mediów oraz stempli 3rd Eye.

But here are romantic bookmarks, vintage, steampunk, delicate and graphic ones!
...and I used here only 4types of medias and 3rd Eye stamps.

Base for three of these sets is paper with postal stamps, handwritted text etc. Quite delicate.


Vintage bookmarks:
I used here only Distress Ink Pads (Vintage Photo, Crushed Olive, Black Soot), sponge and 3rd Eye stamps.
used stamps: meadow - łąka - tło el bahia - tło 

Graphic style
Here I used whitewashing with gesso and silicone brush. (BTW You can get my Whitewashing Online Class at The Art Studio :) I inked enges with Black Soot, stamped paper with Distress Stain Pumice Stone and after drying I stamped same motives with black StazOn.

Keys and keyholes looks like painted but truly - that was way faster and easier!
used stamps: Keyhole - stempel gumowy - 3rd Eye Klucz - stempel gumowy - 3rd EyeTES-004 Lila 

Romantic bookmarks:

Paper is inked with Distress Ink Pad using sponge and double stamped.
First - stamping with "meadow" and Distress ink (the same as for previous inking), then stamping with Distress Stain in similar color.
used stamps: Róża - stempel gumowy - 3rd Eyemeadow - łąka - tło

Possible? Of course! 
Altering papers is great, You have to try that ;)


Stamp used for Marie-Antoinette bookmarks: bunch of roses - róże
Stamp used for steampunk bookmarks: Cogs - trybiki - stempel gumowy - 3rd Eye

All stamps available in 3rd Eye store.