Slowly I make first preparations for the much-loved by all the kids holidays. Probably like every year, the doorbell will ring every minute, so I plan to give to the kids from the neighborhood small packages of sweets decorated with scary and climatic stamps 3rd Eye.
Oprócz najnowszych halloweenowych stempli: przestraszony Jason TES-166, wesoły Jason TES-165, szalony Jason TES-164 oraz napisów: halloween napis TES-162 i OMG! TES-172 do wykonania tła użyłam stempla rozchlapana farba TES-106.
In addition to the latest Halloween stamps: TES-166 scared Jason, TES-165 happy Jason, TES-164 crazy Jason and words: TES-162 halloween and TES-172 omg! I used to do background messy painting TES-106.
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