It's all about the glitter and shine :)
Wazny jest tylko brokat i blysk :)
I would love to share with you some simple but very elegant Christmas cards.
All you need is some texture paste, stencil, paper and glitter.
You can create many cute creations by using the same idea in different colours.
Enjoy this few photos from my creating process.
Chcialabym Wam dzis pokazac latwe ale bardzo eleganckie kartki. Potrzebujecie pasty strukturalnej, maski, papieru oraz brokatu.
While the paste is still wet sprinkle some glitter on top of it.
Gdy pasta strukturalna jest jeszcze mokra posyp calosc brokatem.
You can use as many colours as you wish and have a great effects.
Mozecie uzyc roznych kolorow i uzyskac piekne efekty.
Here is my table with drying cards.
A tu stol wraz ze schnacymi kartkami.
Użyłam: / I used:

My second Christmas inspiration is in mixed media style. The backround was created with stencil and Lindy's Stamp gang sprays.
Moja druga swiateczna inspiracja jest w mediowym stylu. Tlo zostalo stworzone za pomoca maski oraz kolorow z Lindy's Stamp Gang.
I added beautiful mandala flower doilie chipboard.
Dodalam tekturke azurowy kwiat paproci - mandala.
Wording is stamped.
Napis to stempelek.

BEAUTIFUL!!! LOOOVE the glitter idea & with the stencil is looks AMAZING....sooo clever, & yet so easy peasy! TFS:):)