My name is
Kasia - known as elpimpi – crazy scientist, who loves handmade
stuff - especially scrapbooking :-) I live with my lovely
daughter and amazing husband in Warsaw (Poland). My adventure with
scrapbooking began a long time ago when, like most of you - I had no
idea that there is such thing as ‘scrapbooking’;-) I discovered that accidentally ;-) in 2009… I have my blog with paper works from
2010 :-)
What I like most are probably mini albums - particularly those made
out of one sheet of paper, and ATCs :-) I love challenges
because they're encouraging me to do something new, try out the
interesting new techniques or embellies!
Pierwsze wzory stempli 3rd Eye były
zupełnie ‘nie moje’… Ale potem pojawiły się nowości i
całkowicie zawładnęły moim scrapowym serduszkiem – szczególnie
ten cudowny listeczek TES-026 leaf!!! Gdy tylko odebrałam przesyłkę od Dryszki
natychmiast zabrałam się za stemplowanie – stemplowałam,
stemplowałam i stemplowałam a potem wycinałam i wycinałam i
podklejałam na tekturkę, aby uzyskać bardziej przestrzenny efekt i
tak oto powstały setki listków, które wykorzystałam do
oscrapowania zdjęć z jesiennego spaceru! Do tego kilka kopertowych
przekładek zamykanych przy pomocy bradsów na wspominkowe zapiski z
tych cudownych chwil razem! I gotowe! A efekt – zobaczcie sami! :-)
first designs of 3rd Eye stamps were completely ‘not mine’… but
then brand new designs appeared and completely overcame my scrap
heart – particularly this marvelous TES-026 leaf!!!! When I got the
envelope from Drycha I immediately started to stamp – I stamped
and stamped and stamped like crazy and then I was cutting, cutting
and gluing on some cardboard, to get three-dimensional
effect and so I had hundreds of leaves, which I used to make album with
pictures from our family autumn walk! I add some envelopes to keep
some tags with memories from those miraculous moments together! And
my album is ready! :-)

Check Elpimpi's blog {HERE}
Zapraszamy na bloga Elpimpi!
ReplyDeletePrześliczny albumik! Piękne kolory.
ReplyDeleteleaves leaves leaves... love it!