Hi! I would like to show you today new sides in my Project Horse. It is an album of my daughter's horse rides, I decided to fix them in an album on the basis of Project Life.
Uwielbiam używać w tym projekcie produktów 3rd Eye, więc znajdziecie tu ich całkiem sporo.
I love to use in this project 3rd Eye products, so you will find there are quite a few.
Czyszczenie i przygotowywanie do jazdy ukochanego konia to sama przyjemność, szczególnie, że potem jest czas na jazdę!
Cleaning and preparing to ride her beloved horse is a pleasure, especially because then it is time to ride!
Użyłam:/I used:

Miłego scrapowania!/Happy scrapping!
Gorgeous - LOOOVE your take on PL here....& that best day ever stamp....it's GREAT, isn't it???!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat idea with PL. You did superb juob :)