
Winners of sketch challenge

Thank You so much for apply to our last challenge with sketch!
Bardzo dziękujemy za zgłoszenia do mapkowego wyzwania!


First place (and voucher to the 3rd Eye store 3rdEyeCraft.com) goes to...
Pierwsze miejsce równoznaczne z bonem do sklepu 3rd Eye 3rdEyeCraft.com zajmuje...

Smile Art!
Chciałabym też wyróżnić świetnego skrapa Birgit...
I also want to feature amazing LO by Birgit...

...oraz energetycznego skrapa Tores!
...and so energetic LO by Tores!


Birgit and Tores - I have 15% discount to 3rd Eye store 3rdEyeCraft.com - please mail me.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much!
    I had a great time playing along and congrats to Smile art and Tores.
    love, Birgit
