
Rainy Day Fun

Hi, it's Riikka here to share a layout with you! 

I just love board games! I'm so happy that our girls are getting bigger and they seem to share my love for the games. Their favorite game is one about building princess cupcakes but luckily they enjoy other games too, especially when they can team up with an adult. The picture in the layout was taken in my parent's summer house when we all sat by the table and played. Such a great way to spend a rainy day! 

To get the rainy but fun feeling to the page I used Distress Inks to stamp the background. Before stamping the image I sprayed a little water to the stamp so that the image would be a bit blurry and watercolor like. I used several stamps and used them layered on top of each other. 

I also used the sequin stamp in the project and stamped the image with watermark ink. Then I embossed the sequins with gold embossing powder. I also added some sequins stamped with blue Archival Ink. To build even more layers to the background I used the clock mask and drew around it with a black pen. To balance the blackness I also added a few stamped clocks when the page was almost done.

I didn't happen to have any good blue papers at hand when I was creating the piece so I created some of my own. The striped one I drew with a Copic marker but if you own the lines stamp, you can get the look easier with that. For the other paper I used the tutorial Elina created (link) and the "Sparks" stencil

For the embellishments I used 3rd Eye stickers, a flair and a piece of chipboard. It's actually waste from the actual shapes, but I really loved it's look so into the page it went. 

Materials from 3rd Eye:

TES-158 raindrops - rain drops honeycomb 2 (contour) TES-140 cupola TES-223L sequins large  TES-206 clocks set of 3  TEM012 clocks and moth TEM005 sparks TEBA-240 some people feel the rain TEST-002 stars TEST-006 cinema TEC-020 banners

As I was making the page my girls got to join in and make some cards. We all used the same colors and technique in our creations. When the backgrounds were done for their cards, we then embellished them with 3rd Eye chipboard, some clay decorations I had made earlier (link) and some thread.

Thank you for stopping by! Wishing you a delightful day!

Materials from 3rd Eye:

clouds  TES-121 braid  TES-230 Drycha's flower  Emma's flowers TES-097 TES-140 cupola TES-223L sequins large cogs  Lightbulbs  stars  checkerboard TES-116 TEC-020 banners


New collection & promotions * Nowa kolekcja, rabaty i warsztaty Sanny Lippert w Krakowie

Nadszedł czas premiery nowej kolekcji 3rd Eye!
W ostatnich dniach mogliście oglądać zajawki na naszym fanpage ale to właśnie dziś otwieramy ponownie bramy naszego sklepu. W dziale nowości znajdziecie nowe stemple, maski, badziki samoprzylepne i tekturki. Coś na Boże Narodzenie, coś na halloween, wzory jesienne i te całkowicie bez okazji :)
Na nowe produkty możecie zgarnąć rabat w wysokości 10% jesli złożycie zamówienie w dniach 18. - 20. września. Więcej informacji na stronie głównej sklepu.
Bądź czujny, sledź nasz blog i fanpage; wkrótce zorganizujemy candy!
It's time for reveal of our new collection!
Well, we shared some sneak peeks on facebook lately but now we re-opened the store! You can find new goodies [here]. New stamps, chipboards, adhesive flair butotns and stencils! Something for Christmas, something for Halloween, some fall motives and totally non-ocasional designs :)
You can get 10% discount for new goodies if You're placing an order between 18th and 20th September. More informations on our store's main page.
Stay tuned, follow our facebook and blog, soon we'll make a giveaway!

Obejrzyj więcej na 3rdEyeCraft.com
ps. W dziale promocji też znajdziecie ciekawe kąski;)
Find more on 3rdEyeCraft.com!
Don't forget to look into promotion's category;)

Mam też przyjemność ogłosić, że Sanna Lippert, której prace mogliście podziwiać na blogu 3rd Eye, przyjeżdża do Krakowa, by poprowadzić warsztaty!
   Mixed Media with Sanna!

We will be creating a mixed media layout and will be using various stamps, stencils and different media. We will create interesting background effect with stencil, stamps and media products. Every participant will receive a product kit to be able to finish a layout. All additional media and tools will be at access for the student during the class and will be provided by the instructor. In the end you will be able to take a finished layout and the rest of the kit materials home with you.
Registration and information: kasia@craftshow.pl
Warsztat będzie prowadzony po angielsku, więcej informacji na stronie Craftshow >>>



Pumpkin stamps and chipboards | Dyniowe stemple i tekturki

Nowa kolekcja 3rd Eye jest już bardzo blisko! Na fanpage możecie znaleźć parę zajawek.
Dziś pierwszy z filmików z nowymi produktami:


Projekt Koń - Project Horse

Cześć! Chcę Wam dziś pokazać nowe strony w prowadzonym przeze mnie końskim projekcie. Jest to album z jazd konnych mojej córki, postanowiłam utrwalić je w albumie na zasadach Project Life.
Hi! I would like to show you today new sides in my Project Horse. It is an album of my daughter's horse rides, I decided to fix them in an album on the basis of Project Life.

Uwielbiam używać w tym projekcie produktów 3rd Eye, więc znajdziecie tu ich całkiem sporo.

I love to use in this project 3rd Eye products, so you will find there are quite a few.

Czyszczenie i przygotowywanie do jazdy ukochanego konia to sama przyjemność, szczególnie, że potem jest czas na jazdę!

Cleaning and preparing to ride her beloved horse is a pleasure, especially because then it is time to ride!

Użyłam:/I used:
napis kocham TES-156 love love love napisy TES-157 words Friend Happy Travel Remember Journey stempel TES-174 best day ever stempel TES-220 I like You - lubię Cię TES-211 świetny dzień TES-212L love hashtag large stempel TES-192 best day set symbole TES-227 tiny pictures - serce korona strzałka prezent kropla stempel TES-191 feathers 3 - pióra piórka naklejki TEST-002 stars gwiazdki gwiazdy gwiazdki TECs-005 stars strzałki TECs-006 arrows 

Miłego scrapowania!/Happy scrapping!
